Breaking News

Friday 6 May 2016

First Zika-Related Birth Defect In Spain

Baby in Brazil with microcephaly after mother got Zika virus while pregnant
Spain reported the first European case of the Zika virus in February in a woman who had recently returned from South America.

The health department for the northeastern region of Catalonia said the woman travelled to the continent some months ago.

"A pregnant woman was infected by Zika and dengue and the foetus has shown various defects," it said in a statement.

Babies with the defect are born with abnormally small heads and sometimes brain damage.
According to official statistics, 105 people in Spain have been infected with the mosquito-borne virus.
Spanish authorities have said all the infection cases - including 13 pregnant women - are "imported cases" found in people either "from, or who have visited affected countries" in Latin America.

The current Zika outbreak began in early 2015 in Brazil, where around 1.5 million infections have been reported. Since then, the epidemic has spread to several other countries in the Americas.

Scientists believe the virus has been responsible for a surge in Brazilian infants born with microcephaly.
There is no vaccine or treatment for the virus, which in most people causes only mild symptoms, such as a rash, joint pain or fever.

Video: 17 Feb: Zika Link To Paralysis
In February, Spain confirmed the first case in Europe of a pregnant woman being diagnosed with the Zika virus.

The health ministry said the woman had recently returned from Colombia, where it is believed she was infected.

The World Health Organisation has declared the microcephaly condition a global public health emergency.
It has advised countries not to accept blood donations from people who have visited Zika-affected regions.

Sources: skynews

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