Breaking News

Thursday 25 August 2016

‘Stand with Chief Justice Georgina Wood’ campaign underway

Chief Justice Georgina Wood
A campaign is underway to mobilise public support for Chief Justice, Georgina Theodora Wood, who was directly verbally attacked by three men who have become known as the ‘Montie 3′.

The campaign, which is currently running on social media, appears to be in direct response to a petition by largely members of the Governing National Democratic Congress who are signing a petition calling on President John Mahama to issue an executive order and release the three from prison.

Pro-government spokespersons – Alistair Nelson, Godwin Ako Gunn and radio host Salifu Maase – were convicted on their plea and sentenced to four motnhs’ imprisonment for criminal contempt by the Supreme Court.
They had threatened judges with death, accusing them of seeking to create chaos in Ghana by giving judgments in favour of opposition politicians who brought a case against the Electoral Commission. 
The three as well as owners and directors of the radio station on which they made the offending comments, Montie FM, were hauled before the Supreme Court and cited for contempt.

They all pleaded guilty with explanation but the Court, presided over by Justice Sophia Akuffo, did not find their explanation satisfactory and covicted them on their own plea.

Since their conviction and sentencing, members of the NDC, including government appointees have been signing a petition asking the president to activate his powers under Article 72 of the 1992 Constitution and grant the convicts pardon.

They argue the sentences were harsh and constitute an attack on free speech.
The signing of the petition by education minister, Prof. Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang and Gender Minister, Nana Oye Lithur particularly shocked many.

It is contended that given that their fellow woman was attacked by the contemnors, they should not have been seen joining the chorus to demand their release.

Some individuals are are now leading a campaign to support the Chief Justice.
They created a hashtag, standwithherladyshipGeorginaWood.

Sources: talkbackgh

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